Dave and I bought this table and chairs on Craigslist years ago. I love it, love the texture on the table and the rush seats on the chairs. For the past couple of years I’ve been saying I’m going to refinish the table top. This was the year! I wanted to get it done before the summer heat here in Arizona arrives.

Sanding the top was the first step. I used my handy Ryobi sander with a 120 grit paper. It didn’t take much elbow grease because most of the original finish had worn off. Once I was finished sanding I wiped it all off with a damp cloth and let it dry.

I picked up the stain wax at a favorite Phoenix shop – Retablo. I love the color! Claire likes it too!

What a difference!

The entire process took maybe an hour. The outcome is huge! The finish is beautiful.


Thanks so much for being here with me! If you have a project you keep thinking about I hope this gives you some inspiration!